The Ohr Olam Edition Mishnah Berurah – Book Review

Update from the Publisher – May 2024

I got this message in an email from the publisher Ohr Olam:

Just wanted to update you that B”H we have 21 volumes out, with 2 more coming out next month, and we started including a Bibliography in each volume as we reprint or come out with a new volume.

It’s amazing how some events are permanently written into my memory.

I was standing in the home of my friend Yitz about 20 years ago.

He had just learned that Feldheim was publishing an English translation of the Mishnah Berurah.

My jaw dropped as my yeshiva-educated friend said, “I don’t need it. The Hebrew of the Mishnah Berurah is pretty easy. But I’ll buy it anyway … and it will become a crutch for me.”


Why Is Chanukah 8 Days?

One of the interesting aspects of living in Jerusalem are the constant encounters with Jewish history.

For example, one of the Light Rail stops is Shimon HaTzadik, named after one of the High Priests.

When the train pulls into that station I often have two thoughts.


Book Review – The Sages

The Sages by Rabbi Binyamin Lau

After the defeat of Bar Kochba the Jewish world was in turmoil. The sages gathered in Usha in the Galilee to strengthen Torah observance.

Their work shaped the Jewish world we live in today.


Five Inspiring Books to Read This Summer

Read These Books For A Great Summer

I think I must have been born reading a book.

I can’t hardly remember a time when I didn’t read books.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like as a kid I did nothing except read.