Chapter 19 in the Book of Numbers is about the enigma of the para aduma, the red cow of Israel.
A spiritual status that prevents a person from performing an action. For example, being unclean may prevent a person from entering the Temple. For every unclean status there is a process to become clean.
Leviticus 12:5 – A Daughter is Born
Leviticus 12 is about a woman’s status after giving birth. For some reason, her status depends upon whether her child is a boy or a girl.
Parshat Metzora Summary
Parshat Metzora is the 5th parsha in Sefer Vayikra (also known as Leviticus).
This parsha is verses Leviticus 14:1 – 15:33, or a total of 90 verses.
Here is a brief summary for each aliyah.
Parshat Tazria Summary
Parshat Tazria is the 4th parsha in Sefer Vayikra (also known as Leviticus).
This parsha is verses Leviticus 12:1 – 13:59, or a total of 67 verses.
Here is a brief summary for each aliyah.
Parshat Shemini Summary
Parshat Shemini is the 3rd parsha in Sefer Vayikra (also known as Leviticus).
This parsha is verses Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47, or a total of 91 verses.
Here is a brief summary for each aliyah.
What is Tumah and Why You Should Care
Parshat Tazria – Metzora 5772
Here are the questions that I have been struggling with this week.
1. What is tumah?
2. Without the Temple, is tumah important?
3. In some circumstances it is the role of a priest to determine if a person or object is tamei. At other times, no priest is involved. Why the difference?