In Deuteronomy 30:11-14 Moses teaches the Jewish people about repentance. Or, maybe he’s teaching about the importance of studying Torah. The verses aren’t clear.
An action which separates a person from God when the person either fails to perform a positive commandment or transgresses a negative commandment.
Deuteronomy 23:10 – The Jewish Camp
Moses in Deuteronomy 23 warns the Jewish army to “beware of every evil.” What is the evil they should avoid?
Psalm 130 – Out of the Depths
Psalm 130 is a short psalm with only 8 verses. However, these verses contain important lessons for us. For example, no matter what the circumstances, God’s power of forgiveness is available.
Parshat Noach Summary
Parshat Noach is the 2nd parsha in Sefer Bereshit (also known as Genesis).
This parsha is verses Genesis 6:9 – 11:32, or a total of 153 verses.
Here is a brief summary for each aliyah.
Parshat Bereshit Summary
Parshat Bereshit is the 1st parsha in Sefer Bereshit (also known as Genesis).
This parsha is verses Genesis 1:1 – 6:8, or a total of 146 verses.
Here is a brief summary for each aliyah.