Moses in Deuteronomy 23 warns the Jewish army to “beware of every evil.” What is the evil they should avoid?
Rabbi Sorotzkin
Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin (1881 – 1966) wrote the commentary Oznaim L’Torah. Parts were translated into English and published as Insights in the Torah.
Deuteronomy 7:15 – No More Illness
In Deuteronomy 7:15 Moses makes the startling statement that God will remove all illness from the Jewish people. If so, then why are so many people sick today?
Deuteronomy 1:11 – One Thousand Times
The Book of Deuteronomy begins with Moses reviewing some historical events with the Jewish people. As part of that review, in Deuteronomy 1:11, he blesses them that God should increase them one thousand times.
Numbers 22:28-30 – Donkey Talks to Man
One of the most famous incidents in the Bible is Balaam and his talking donkey. Why did God use a donkey to speak to Balaam? Wasn’t it enough for an angel to speak to him?
Numbers 19:2 – Para Aduma
Chapter 19 in the Book of Numbers is about the enigma of the para aduma, the red cow of Israel.
Numbers 1:2 – The Census
Bamidbar is the fourth book in the Torah. In English it is called Numbers because it records the countings of the Jewish people in the wilderness.
Leviticus 23:15-16 – When is Shavuot?
The Torah tells us the date for every festival except for Shavuot. Why isn’t the time of Shavuot clearly stated?
Leviticus 12:5 – A Daughter is Born
Leviticus 12 is about a woman’s status after giving birth. For some reason, her status depends upon whether her child is a boy or a girl.
Leviticus 6:9-11 – Eating the Meal Offering
Leviticus 2:1-16 tells about different types of meal offerings. Now in Leviticus 6:7-11 we learn more details about these offerings.
Exodus 10:24-25 – After the Darkness
The Plague of Darkness was the 9th of the ten plagues that God unleashed against Egypt. After the darkness ended, Pharaoh seemed ready to free the Jewish people.